Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tenderize Me...?

Do you ever wonder why certain memories remain while others just fade? Kinda like throwing a fist of mud at a wall, it all hits, just not all sticks. I remember watching my dad get ready to grill steaks and the prep-process always amazed me. He would lay a slab of meat down on the counter, season it and before I knew what was happening he’d start pounding it to death (if you will..). I remember the first time I saw it happen, I was probably 6 or so and I could think of more than a few ways to release anger rather than taking it out on my lifeless dinner. what was wrong with the steak?! It looked good to me…I have no idea how I was transitioned from my awe to an informed state of being; however, turns out, meat tastes better when its been tenderized.
Who Knew.
That said, sometimes I feel like I’m that steak…maybe just a skirt steak but a cut all the same. I suppose the steak represents my life: uncooked (I’m young), Seasoned (I’ve got the right ingredients), and currently: being unashamedly, pounded on by the Most High. I wouldn’t say I’ve been complacent, mmm no, merely unassuming when it comes to what lessons I should have been gleaning/steps I could have been utilizing from life events. No longer is just my “cut” enough for my Maker. He would have me tender. Life’s not too simple these days. It hurts. What I know though, is that the events that are taking place, when given to God, can be used for my “tenderizing” and I am promised that (“and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good…” Romans 8:28.).  Everyday I have to choose again how I’m going to react to the pounding. Everyday I want to choose joy in Christ and again shift my perspective to the end goal of being tender for Him.